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Casting & Die casting

    Prithvi Engineering works take a pro-active approach to product design and engineering, we believe that approach is what differentiates us from the rest of the foundry industry. We interface with our customers very early in the component design process. Acting as a full partner in the development team, Prithvi Engineering works can suggest alternatives in design, methods of production and materials, ensuring a part will “fit the function” and be optimally configured for each assembly. This standard has only been achieved through our efforts to implement and educate all foundry engineers, technicians, moulders, metallurgists. With over 10 years of foundry and metallurgical expertise in many British foundries this Prithvi Engineering works a proven knowledge in the manufacture and design of castings in a wide variety of materials.

    The breadth and scope of our technical capabilities separates us from other foundry companies. Our technical and engineering centre in india provide product design assistance. Casting design and tooling are provided at all locations. Our full design and engineering support services include computer aided design/computer-aided engineering and we interface directly with the customer using their native design software. We also provide rapid prototyping.

    At Prithvi Engineering works we believe that the most valuable resource we have is our people, advanced technology means little without the skilled technicians, skilled moulders, skilled pattern makers, skilled metallurgist to administer unfalteringly their skills and expertise. Our expertly trained employees complement our advanced technology, making the company an unbeatable resource for the design, manufacture and assembly of world-class products.